Learn together about Laravel, Node. js, and other programming languages.
We will discuss how to add code coverage metrics to your project using GitHub Actions and Codecov. By integrating GitHub Actions and Codecov, developers can automate testing and monitor code quality more effectively.
CI/CD is an essential part of automating the testing, building, and deployment of an application so that it is always ready to be released at any time. In this article, we will go into depth on how to implement CI/CD on GitHub using GitHub Actions, TypeScript, and Jest.
In this part, we will try to create a simple REST API application using ElysiaJS and deploy it to Vercel using GitHub.
In this part, we will learn how Node.js works, especially regarding the concepts of callbacks, Promise, and async and await in JavaScript and how to implement them in Node.js.
In this part, we will learn how Node.js works, especially regarding the concepts of callbacks, Promise, and async and await in JavaScript and how to implement them in Node.js.
NVM (Node Version Manager) is currently the most frequently used tool to change Node.js versions easily, but many may not know that there is another tool that can be used as a faster and more efficient alternative. You may really like this new tool: Volta.
Understanding Node.js in easy language starting from its history, trying hello world directly in Node.js, to setting up a proper text editor with VSCode. Including what VSCode extensions are recommended and the settings that need to be prepared.